Hello dear simmers!
Long time no see!
Yes time is really what I don’t have these months and before complaining about it, I have to thank God for the bunch of work I have right now! In the past it would take me 1 to 2 days to converte a full set of about 20 itens for our sims 3, but as I’m so out of time I could convert about 2, 3 objects per day. When I started to dedicate myself to creations of my own meshes, I got even more work to do and I could only do a few objects.
So here we are again, but this time the set is pretty small. I always charge myself to bring you new things, but sometimes the conversion doesn’t go as planned. One example is the table Lpvinyl asked me ages ago. That table just doesn’t like me at all! However I hope I’ll win this battle and I’ll post soon 
The other object that really hates me is the cottage TV from 4ESF Cottage’s set! I like it so much! But who said that I could make it available for all surfaces?! So for that you’ll need: OMSP + Moveobjects on. Don’t forget!
PS: It sims seems I had a problem with the comments forms since the last template but they should be working just fine now. If you have any problems posting your comments please leave me a note through the shoutbox 
So here we are for another blog train! Blog trains really make me excited! I pass days thinking of what I could offer for the proposed theme, and even if “hobbies” doesn’t sound so difficult, believe me, it was! I don’t have any particular hobby. My favorite activity is anything that involves creativity. I could spend hours collecting cute images on magazines or digital images on sites. Since a little girl I collect pens and stickers (I have many and I always have pity to use them). Therefore for this theme I decided to make a set of objects for a creativity room. I picked many cute things from different creators of sims 2 and I converted them to sims 3. Some meshes I did a small modify, usually on the size as you can see for The Verona Relapse clipped posters. I really liked the result and for sure I’d love to read, knit, write or paint in a room like this. I hope you enjoy these things too!