Posted on February 2nd, 2011 @ 15:10

Hello February!

So february has finally arrived! It’s my prefered month! Why? Ah because of many things! But mostly  because it is the month of my birthday! yeah (I know, in a few years I’ll be hating february)!

My year had a lovely beggining even if the weather in France is a bit too cold for my taste. At least it was cold but with enough snow to make things more beautiful.  And also, I had many visitors and comments from you! And this is the very best!

I’m happy that I finally started to create my own template, from the very SCRATCH! I found in it a big passion! Now every cute image I find I think about how it would be on a site! I wish it was as easy and simple as creating patterns to the sims! :T

So I hope that soon I’ll upload the new template, but I still have a long way to finish it >.<

Thank you for following me and for the comments!!

And don’t forget to check out my tumblr sometimes! :B

2 Comments | Misc

Posted on January 26th, 2011 @ 19:55

Lila’s Cottage

Hello my dear simmers!

There’s quite a long time I don’t post any new houses here, so I today I’ll break the ice. But first of all I’d like to thank everybody who supports me telling me always to go on. Your comments are so important to me! Thank you!
In fact, I decided to post houses again because you have always been so kind to me when I post one! I feel happy!! :)

11 Comments | Houses

Posted on January 26th, 2011 @ 13:52

We ♥ Geometric Patterns!

Hello There!

I know! I know! Geometric patterns are everywhere. Maybe most of you are sick of them. But I still believe that there are some simmers out there that just can’t get enough of these! And why? Well, because they go with mostly everything. So today I bring you 14 new geometric patterns that you can recolor. Yep!

7 Comments | Patterns
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Hello there Simmer!

Welcome to my Sims 3 blog. Here you'll find a little bit of everything. Objects, houses, patterns, sims! I also love to share what I created with the game I hope you'll have fun! And thank you for visiting!

Xoxo, Camille

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