Posted on February 18th, 2011 @ 21:50


Hello dear simmers :)

As you can see some posts below I tried to convert this small tray from Steffor for several times but the glass was never showing up! Finally I could see that it was a problem with the bones assignment  :@ oh well.. it’s everything fine now!

18 Comments | Conversions

Posted on February 17th, 2011 @ 21:36

CC List

I’ve been postponing this for a long time… but I think I should finally face it. My CC list is too big! I can easily say that it is huge! I’ve been collecting cc for so long time that some sites don’t even exist anymore.. and that’s why I am always afraid to delete my complete downloads folder and start a new one. Some weeks ago I managed to reduce about 50% of my cc, so my computer is now 1gb thinner. However, I’m only talking about the .sims3pack files! Because as .package I still have many more.  I just went to check and… I can add more 540mb of .package!

Oh-la-la Camille! C’est un peu trop, non?

Anyways… I’d like to list here the creators that happily made me fill up my downloads folder. Gorgeous contents that I can’t live without! Hop! Let’s start!

14 Comments | CC List

Posted on February 14th, 2011 @ 19:46

Valentine’s Entry

Hello there!

So it’s valentine’s day… I’ve been thinking last week what I could offer you for today. And really nothing came to my mind. Heart patters are everywhere. And also, you might be quite tired of my patterns… I can’t mesh; so I couldn’t offer anything original for you… and I also didn’t think some new cards would make your sims happier. Then, I’ll offer you something that there’s nothing to do with the valentine’s day, but I still hope you’ll love and enjoy it ;D

14 Comments | Conversions
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Hello there Simmer!

Welcome to my Sims 3 blog. Here you'll find a little bit of everything. Objects, houses, patterns, sims! I also love to share what I created with the game I hope you'll have fun! And thank you for visiting!

Xoxo, Camille

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