Hello everyone!
I am so sorry for the lack of news. This last month I had to travel with my husband to Morocco for business and we stay stuck on the bureau without much free time left. Despite 3 weeks already on this country we haven’t visited anything! So you can see why I don’t have the time to post anything new. I have fixed and re-uploaded a new version of all the sets that needed to be updated before traveling. The only set that still needs to be fixed is Alexis Neo Classic. I need to re-do the bed, like I re-did all the beds on the other sets. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to do it before leaving home. However you can re-download all the updated sets. They should work fine. I have tested them on my game. Yet, if you find a problem with them let me know by leaving a comment on the set post. I don’t promise to update it soon because I don’t know when I will have the time. With a bit of luck I can come back to Brazil for Christmas holidays!!
Credits for the image: Around The Sims 3
Posted on December 10th, 2011 @ 23:11 | Paula said:
Oi Camille, acabei de descobrir seu blog e adorei. Já baixei um monte de coisa a tarde toda! Vc tem um ótimo gosto, parabens.
Posted on January 5th, 2012 @ 02:14 | camille said:
Obrigada Paula!
Posted on January 16th, 2012 @ 17:19 | Vitor S; said:
Camille, cade voce que nao posta nada a muito tempo? D: Desde dia 25/11 ;-;
Posted on March 10th, 2012 @ 11:42 | mimilarooose said:
Cadê voce e suas atualizações?
Posted on June 4th, 2012 @ 17:19 | UTi said:
Your downloads are amazing! I love them so much! And I miss you and your work. I hope you're happy :))
Posted on July 1st, 2012 @ 01:49 | Florencia said:
I absolutely looooooove your creations camille!
Please keep making more, the last entry was in 2011 

Hope you keep making more!
Posted on August 15th, 2012 @ 19:07 | Amore said:
So nice, you are so creative!
i got my sims 3 patch in
Posted on August 15th, 2012 @ 19:12 | none said:
That is SO elegant!!
for Diesel stuff free
Posted on August 26th, 2012 @ 16:28 | Victória said:
Oi Camille, acabei de descobrir seu blog e já baixei um monte de coisa
espero que você poste mais downloads e posts logo, você tem um ótimo bom gosto ![:]](
Posted on October 15th, 2012 @ 20:09 | Alice said:
Quase um ano sem nenhuma atualização…
Posted on November 26th, 2012 @ 17:55 | Phoebe said:
Um ano sem actualizações suas.
Posted on December 15th, 2012 @ 14:40 | podesim said:
Ola Alice e Phoebe,
Ate cheguei a instalar o jogo novamente mas por enquanto estou tão sem tempo que nem consigo mais jogar. Eu adoro criar coisas pra The Sims, e assim que puder com certeza voltarei a fazê-lo! Desejo a todos um feliz Natal e otimas festas pra esse fim de ano 2012!
Posted on January 24th, 2013 @ 17:37 | Phoebe said:
Ah, tudo bem… Tomara que possa voltar logo! Que seu 2013 esteja sendo ótimo e continue! …
Hey, ainda tens esta casa?
Gostaria MUITO que você postasse ela aqui, desejo-a em meu jogo desde que a vi pela primeira vez! (E faz um bom tempinho, hn?)
Beijos, Camille!
Posted on March 8th, 2013 @ 20:17 | Arioiro said:
Camille, I miss you

Posted on February 3rd, 2014 @ 15:55 | Kalla said:
Camille, I love your blog!
I miss your work
Hope you're okay
I will wait… and wait and wait until you come back… 

Posted on October 16th, 2016 @ 13:52 | Arioiro said:
I keep waiting… hoping you're okay. I love your creations, sometimes I come back to see if you've updated. But the most important thing is to know if you're fine, obviously. Hope life's been great for you.